Barrister Profile
Currently on secondment – not able to take instructions
Sarah was called to the Bar in 2018 after obtaining a ‘Very Competent’ grade on the BPTC.
Sarah joined chambers in 2020 after the successful completion of pupillage within chambers.
Prior to pupillage, Sarah provided assistance to solicitors in child law matters, working as a Paralegal for a Local Authority and then for a local firm of solicitors, specialising in child care law. Sarah has also held voluntary positions with both the National Centre for Domestic Violence and the Witness Service in the Magistrates’ Court.
Family: Care & Children
Public Law Children: Care Proceedings and Adoption
Sarah accepts instructions from all parties to care proceedings and regularly represents Local Authorities and Respondents in public law matters, in addition to Applicants seeking to discharge care orders under the Children Act. Sarah has acted in cases involving allegations of sexual or physical harm to children, domestic abuse, substance misuse and neglect, and cases requiring the instruction of experts.
Sarah accepts instructions at all stages of public law proceedings including contested final hearings or fact-finding hearings which involve collaboration with the police through ongoing criminal investigations, or other third-party services. Sarah is experienced at dealing with contested interim placement hearings, and applications for Interim Care/Supervision Orders, Emergency Protection Orders, Secure Accommodation Orders, Care, Supervision, and Placement Orders, and Special Guardianship Orders.
In addition to acting for applicants or respondents to care proceedings, Sarah has also acted for intervenors or extended family members in applying for special guardianship or further assessment within proceedings, and has assisted both Local Authorities and parents in applications to discharge Care Orders.
Sarah also accepts instructions on behalf of children to care proceedings through their Guardians and has experience in representing the Guardian on appeal and re-hearing from the decision of a District Judge, in a case involving significant findings of fact made against a parent.
Sarah undertakes Local Authority work both in care proceedings and also in relation to applications for deprivations of liberty in relation to children, inviting the High Court to exercise its inherent jurisdiction. Sarah has delivered seminars to local firms of solicitors both on this topic and on other aspects of care proceedings generally.
Prior to joining chambers, Sarah had a wealth of experience in this area of law, having regularly represented clients at pre-proceedings (PLO) meetings with Children’s Services across Hampshire, Surrey and Wiltshire.
Private Law Children: Contact and Residence disputes under the Children Act 1989
Sarah regularly represents parents, extended family members, and children, in private family law matters in applications for Child Arrangements Orders (Live With and Spend Time With), Prohibited Steps Orders and Specific Issue Orders, in addition to applications for permission to apply for an order or for orders under s.91(14) Children Act 1989.
On a number of occasions, Sarah has assisted parties in coming to agreements on the terms of final orders and on others has successfully obtained orders for clients at a contested final hearing.
Sarah has dealt with a variety of disputes involving complicated factual matters that have required separate finding of fact hearings, matters in which PD12J has applied, allegations of parental alienation, and those which have required the involvement of the Local Authority and/or Children’s Guardians. Sarah also has experience in dealing with proceedings in which children are represented themselves or are assessed as Gillick competent to provide their own instructions directly to solicitors.
Domestic violence & injunctions
Sarah has a volume of experience in acting for both Applicants and Respondents in matters under the Family Law Act, successfully obtaining Occupation and Non-Molestation Orders for vulnerable applicants. Sarah offers advice to clients facing these proceedings and has on many occasions managed to successfully negotiate with parties to resolve proceedings at return or final hearings. Prior to joining chambers, Sarah volunteered with the National Centre for Domestic Violence, preparing witness statements for use in ex-parte applications. Sarah can therefore also assist with the drafting of applications. Sarah accepts instructions for representation, advice and drafting at any stage of Family Law Act proceedings, and at both with or without notice hearings.
Chancery and Commercial
Sarah acts for both Claimants and Defendants in Small Claims and Fast Track trials, primarily dealing with road traffic accidents and claims for damages and personal injury arising from the same. Sarah continues of accept instructions in this area of law.
No.18 Cost Effective Out of Court Solutions (NCDR)
- 2:1 Undergraduate Law Degree from University of Southampton
- Very Competent BPTC
- Lincoln’s Inn Cassell Scholar (2017-18)
- University of Southampton Academic Scholarship (2013-16)
Personal Info
Sarah enjoys keeping fit and goes kickboxing on a regular basis. She also enjoys watching women’s football and travelling abroad.
Mental Health and ‘Grave Risk of Harm’ to a Child in International Relocation Cases: F v M [2024] EWHC 1887 (Fam) (23 July 2024)
Public Law Care: Case law update
Withdrawal of medical treatment from a child
Progress Update: Sarah Barber has raised over £200 for the Alzheimer’s Society
An NHS Trust v ST - Refusal of a Deprivation of Liberty (DOLS) Order for a 14-year-old child
Appeal Against Placement Order for child with additional needs - CV (A CHILD) (PLACEMENT ORDER) [2022] EWCA Civ 930
Points of clarification: Are they material? Are they genuine?
Sarah Barber trekking 13 miles (that’s half-marathon distance) around Stonehenge to raise money for the Alzheimer’s
Sarah Barber trekking 13 miles (that’s half-marathon distance) around Stonehenge to raise money for the Alzheimer’s
Sarah Barber trekking 13 miles (that’s half-marathon distance) around Stonehenge to raise money for the Alzheimer’s
Claims for victimisation: is suspension a detriment?
Sarah Barber trekking 13 miles (that’s half-marathon distance) around Stonehenge to raise money for the Alzheimer’s
“Wrongful child abduction” proceedings gone wrong
Only a matter of time! – Covid vaccination of 12-year-old in Local Authority care approved by the court despite Mother’s objection
Onuoha v Croydon Health Services NHS Trust: Unfair Dismissal, Discrimination, Breach of Human Rights, and more!
Should a Declaration of Parentage be made after a child has been adopted?
Application to terminate parental responsibility determined in the absence of the Father
Sarah Barber Returns From Maternity Leave
More on vaccinations – the decision in Re K
The Significance of Contact Post-Adoption in Re T and R (Refusal of Placement Order) [2021] EWCA Civ 71
Covid Vaccines – will we have more disagreements about vaccinations in family law?
Not liking your in-laws is one thing, but poisoning them is quite another
No.18 Chambers Welcomes New Tenant – Sarah Barber (2018)
Mother successfully appeals removal of children under ICOs in Re N (Children) [2020] EWCA Civ 1070
Re Y – What are the Local Authority’s powers to change the nationality of children in care?
‘Self-employed’ hairdresser ruled an employee by the Manchester Employment Tribunal
Guidance issued by Mrs Justice Theis :Practice Guidance on Service of Part 4 Family Law Act 1996 applications, orders and notification to the police: Pilot Practice Direction 36U
Local Authority’s application to withdraw proceedings in GC v A County Council and Ors successfully appealed by the Children’s Guardian
Lancashire CC v M – The latest coronavirus adjournment application
STOP PRESS: Re S (Vulnerable Parent: Intermediary) – Court of Appeal considers the impact of remote and hybrid hearings on vulnerable parents
Hybrid Hearing’ with remote attendance of advocates is not a breach of Article 6 – Re C (Children: Covid-19: Representation)
STOP PRESS: Latest Report from the President of the Family Division anticipates Family Courts fully reopening by July
STOP PRESS – Committee stage of the Domestic Abuse Bill to be completed this month
New guidance for employers and furloughed workers regarding holiday entitlement
No.18 Chambers welcomes New Pupil Sarah Barber